For the 2020 Season (December 1st, 2019 through November 30th, 2020), there will be 12 Monthly Medal Stroke Play Tournaments.  Each monthly tournament will be assigned a date within the RHGC Tournament Calendar. All Monthly Tournaments registration will be managed through USGA Tournament Manager.  All Monthly Medal Tournaments will be based on STROKE play.


The Tournament Committee will assign the pairings and start times and starting hole assignments for all Monthly Medal events.  The committee will endeavor with the help of USGA Tournament Manager to fairly distribute start times and the pairings. The tee sheet will be posted online via the USGA Tournament Manager IOS/Google app on the Monday of the week of the Monthly Medal.  


Scorecards will be available with the Starter. Please retrieve your scorecard from the starter.  At the end of the round, you are asked to drop-off your scorecard in the tournament box located at the starter shack.  Winners will be announced through our Rolling Hills Golf Club website no later than the following Monday.



In order to register and play in a Monthly Medal event, you must be a member in good standing of Rolling Hills Golf Club, reached the age of 16 years and have an active USGA/WHS Handicap Index.  A member in good standing is considered to be a member that paid all of the required yearly dues for the current year. 


Tournament Manager

The Monthly Medal Tournament Committee requires the mandatory use of USGA Tournament Manager for live scoring by all competitors during the event.  Please click here for more information on Tournament Manager.



For the 2020 Season, the flights in all Monthly Medals shall be equally distributed based on the players' Handicap Index as of the Wednesday at 6 PM of the week of the Monthly Medal.


Handicap Index                                  Flight

1st Lowest 1/5 of the field                  A Flight
2nd Lowest 1/5 of the field                  B Flight

3rd Lowest 1/5 of the field                  C Flight

4th Lowest 1/5 of the field                  D Flight

5th Lowest 1/5 of the field                  E Flight

The maximum playing handicap for men will be 36 and the maximum playing handicap for women wiil 40.  Men will play from the White Tees and Women shall play from the Red Tees.


General Conditions of Play

We will be implementing the new “Maximum Score” rule for all Monthly Medal Tournaments.  For the Monthly Medal Tournaments, the maximum score anyone can have on a hole is 2 x Par plus handicap strokes (otherwise known as double net par).  Therefore if you are on a Par 3 and receive a stroke, your maximum score is 7 for that hole. If it is not possible to score less than the maximum score, then please "pick up", record the maximum score for that hole on your scorecard and move on to the next hole.


Please note that this is Competition play, so Local Rule 7 (Alternative to Stroke and Distance for Lost Ball or Ball Out of Bounds (E-5)) does not apply.


Overall Winners

Winners will be awarded as follows;


Overall Low Gross – the lowest overall gross score for the Monthly Medal Tournament. Tie-breaking will be based on USGA Gross countback rules.
Overall Low Net – the lowest overall net score for the Monthly Medal Tournament. Tie-breaking will be based on USGA Net countback rules.
Low Net 1st, 2nd for each Flight (A, B, C, D, E) for the Monthly Medal Tournament.  Tie-breaking will be based on USGA Net countback rules.

Nearest to Pin (NTP) - Holes #4, 8, 11 and 14.  

Hole in One - Any player having a Hole-in-one will be recognized by the RHGC and Tournament Committee.


Prize Distribution

Overall Low Gross       200 SAR

Overall Low Net          200 SAR


Each Flight

Low Net 1st Place       200 SAR

Low Net 2nd Place      150 SAR


Nearest to Pin (NTP)

Hole No. 4       100SR

Hole No. 8       100SR

Hole No. 11     100SR

Hole No. 14     100SR

Hole-in-One    500SR


Most Improved Player of the Year Award

Each RHGC member is eligible to win the Most Improved Player of the Year Award. This is based on your December 1st, 2019 official index handicap compared against your November 30th, 2020 official index handicap. A player must be registered for the entire calendar year to qualify for this award. The Handicap Director and his committee reserve the right for the final calculation and ruling of this award. The Most Improved Player of the Year will be awarded during the annual Golf Ball Awards.


The RHGC Board of Directors and/or the 2020 Monthly Medal Tournament Committee together with the RHGC Tournament Director reserves the right to make changes at any time in the best interest of the entire Rolling Hills Golf Club. 



2020 Monthly Medal Tournament Committee


Committee Chair:  Jeff Meisner

Members:  Tim Billa, John Paul Scallon, Augustine Alifo, Manu Pillai, Stuart Hurstfield

de facto Member: Edward Devlin